A session blockstore is a special blockstore that only pulls content from a subset of network peers which respond as having the block for the initial root CID.

Any blocks written to the blockstore as part of the session will propagate to the blockstore the session was created from.

interface SessionBlockstore {
    close(): void;
    delete(key, options?): Await<void>;
    deleteMany(source, options?): AwaitIterable<CID<unknown, number, number, Version>>;
    get(key, options?): Await<Uint8Array>;
    getAll(options?): AwaitIterable<Pair>;
    getMany(source, options?): AwaitIterable<Pair>;
    has(key, options?): Await<boolean>;
    put(key, val, options?): Await<CID<unknown, number, number, Version>>;
    putMany(source, options?): AwaitIterable<CID<unknown, number, number, Version>>;



  • Remove the record for the passed key


    Returns Await<void>


    await store.delete(new Key('awesome'))
    console.log('deleted awesome content :(')
  • Retrieve all cid/block pairs from the blockstore as an unordered iterable

    Returns AwaitIterable<Pair>


    for await (const { multihash, block } of store.getAll()) {
    console.log('got:', multihash, block)
    // => got MultihashDigest('Qmfoo') Uint8Array[...]
  • Check for the existence of a value for the passed key


    Returns Await<boolean>


    const exists = await store.has(new Key('awesome'))

    if (exists) {
    console.log('it is there')
    } else {
    console.log('it is not there')
  • Store the passed value under the passed key


    Returns Await<CID<unknown, number, number, Version>>


    await store.put([{ key: new Key('awesome'), value: new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 3]) }])
  • Store the given key/value pairs

    Returns AwaitIterable<CID<unknown, number, number, Version>>


    const source = [{ key: new Key('awesome'), value: new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 3]) }]

    for await (const { key, value } of store.putMany(source)) {
    console.info(`put content for key ${key}`)